5 Ways to Combat Your Monday Blues

Anybody in the workforce, is for sure, dreading the Monday ultimately. Just the thought of waking up and starting to work again, go for the morning commute, and hustle on a Monday could be really stressful to think about. We all had it! The Monday Blues are just merely one of the challenges we need to fight off every single week to survive and make way for the weekend again.


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Photo from someecards


Monday is not really all that bad as we think it is. In fact, there are many things to be thankful for when Monday comes like we still have work to do and it means we still have an income to pay off our bills and achieve our goals and dreams in life.

If you are one of those who cringe at the idea of Monday, here are some ways to help you combat its thought and surpass it:

1. Relax your way out of the weekend

If you like to live big during weekends and go from one party to the other, maybe it is also essential for you to consider relaxing on Sunday nights. This can be helpful for you, so you can wake-up the next day entirely rested.

Your body will be craving more sleep and rest during weekdays if it knows that you exhaust it during the weekends. Take the Sunday night just at home and sleep early, this will help you be energized by Monday.

2. Grab a breakfast

You need all the energy you can to perform well for the new week ahead of you. If you have slept well on Sunday night, don’t forget to grab breakfast and eat a healthy meal that can warm up not only your stomach but also your brain.

Breakfast will help you to think right and function well especially if you are off to have meetings, conferences, and urgent task to submit.

3. Listen to upbeat music

Fuel up your Monday by listening to upbeat music that can pump up your mood. If you are feeling lonely on a Monday because of all the things you must do, don’t feed it more with lonesome music that will make you sadder and stressed.

Listening to upbeat music can make you feel better and happier, thus, conquering the Monday and the new week ahead wouldn’t be that hard for you after all.


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Photo from The Diary of a Frugal Family


4. Manage and organize your tasks

Of course, you don’t want to go to a battle without knowing what to do and not carrying any tools you might need in the fight. Get to the office on time and before you officially start your day, jot down all the tasks you need to accomplish within the day, check your calendar for your scheduled meetings, and keep all your e-mails short and sweet.

Prioritizing such can further help you not to get too stressed out in the day when you forget to do an important thing.

5. Re-connect with your office friends and colleagues

In reality, your work is a lot bearable because of your friends and colleagues in the office. They are indeed the ones that spice up your life and make going to the office a fun thing to do. Scrap the Monday blues by catching up with your friends over lunch – as them how their weekend went and perhaps plan a Monday night chill to get on with the week armored and conditioned.

Monday could be really a lot stressful, but it’s up to you on how you are going to manage it. It is also necessary to re-evaluate your career and see if you are still working on your goals in life or just working to pay the bills.

Featured photo from Freepik

How about you? How do you fight off Monday blues? 


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